Characteristics of the field
Astrophysics is one of the major applications of physics. Thanks to its communicability and attractiveness it is often the gateway to other natural sciences and technical disciplines for a considerable part of the youth. The aim of the study in the field is to provide graduates with not only the basics of general, experimental and theoretical physical education, but also a thorough orientation in theoretical and experimental fields of astrophysics and the ability to convey an understanding of the results to the interested public.
Undergraduate studies
Astrophysics can be studied from the first year of undergraduate studies within the field of Astrophysics. In addition to general physics education students acquire basic math skills they will use in their future study physics. Students will also benefit from astrophysical subjects - in the first year the basics of astronomy is offered, which will be deepen in the next years with the knowledge of stars life and their final stages, ability of processing astronomical data, observing at the telescope and basic programming. The study is completed with bachelor's degree examinations in physics and astrophysics, including the defense of bachelor work.
Due to physical and mathematical basic of absolved program, the graduates may well apply in basic and applied research of national and sectoral nature of laboratory operations and businesses, specialized laboratories, metrological institutions, institutions using informatics, etc. Its dedicated focus in the area of astrophysics makes graduates suitable as a qualified demonstrator and popularizer of science observatories, as well as for research using astronomical observations and astronomical data processing.
If students want to continue in astrophysics studies, they can sihn up to either of the Astrophysics Bachelor's degree or Bachelor's degree also from general Physics. The difference between these fields is mainly in depth of general physics study. While the field of physics is devoted to basic physics subjects in depth, and its graduates have excellent mathematical skills, Bachelor degree in Astrophysics has less of hours on the subjects of mathematics and physics, but unlike the field of general Physics incorporates among its compulsory subjects the very astrophysics. Preferably a bachelor's degree in astrophysics is that the students get sooner the very astrophysics, on the other hand, graduates of bachelor degree in Physics are better equipped to follow a Master's degree in astrophysics.
Graduate studies - Master's degree

Talented students are supported to study abroad (Erasmus), work placements (in recent years graduate students visited countries such as Spain, Turkey, Thailand or Chile) or possible participation in conferences. There are several working groups at the Department of Astrophysics, where students meet and work together on interesting projects.

Graduate studies - Ph.D. degree

Graduated students have a deep knowledge of astrophysics, which allow them to independently and creatively approach to solving difficult in Astrophysical problems from the formulation and solution using the appropriate mathematical tools to interpretive conclusions and present them before the scientific community. They can also apply as researchers at the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences, universities and other educational institutions dedicated to basic research, such as the observatory and planetarium.