31. 3. 2025: 11am, lect. room F1
Yevhenii Semenko: Unveiling the hidden nature of the early-type stars using the different methods of observational astrophysics
Yevhenii Semenko: Unveiling the hidden nature of the early-type stars using the different methods of observational astrophysics
Self-Organised Events
- 2018 - Festival of science 2018 (Riviera Brno Transport Course, Czech Republic)
- 2018 - Open Days 2018 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2017 - Festival of science 2017 (Riviera Brno Transport Course, Czech Republic)
- 2017 - Open Days 2017 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2017 - Spectroscopic workshop (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2017 - Astronomický kroužek v Brně přijímá nové zájemce (Observatory of Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - 13th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Montenegro Pub", Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Scientists' night 2016 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Festival of science 2016 (Observatory of Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Special Open Day 2016 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Mercury transition 2016 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Brno Days of Ernst Mach 2016 (New Town Hall, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Open Days 2016 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Astronomical club 2016 (Observatory and Planetarium Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2015 - 12th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Pivní burza" restaurant, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2015 - Scientists' night 2015 (Observatory of Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- 2015 - Festival of science 2015 (Observatory of Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- 2014 - 11th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("U Lasa" restaurant, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2013 - 10th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Guesthouse U Dřeváka" restaurant, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2012 - 9th Meeting of Astrophysicists (home brewery and restaurant "Magistr", Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2011 - 8th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Legie" restaurant, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2010 - 7th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Legie" restaurant, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2009 - 6th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Modrá růže" pub, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2008 - 5th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("U Prokopů" pub, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2008 - ÇOMU Invited Seminar (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2008 - 1st Ice-skating of Astrophysicists (Ice Hockey Stadium for Children and Youth in Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2008 - International workshop IWSSP 2008 (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2008 - MUO Grand Re-opening (Masaryk University Observatory, Czech Republic)
- 2007 - 4th Meeting of Astrophysicists ("Diana" pub, Brno, Czech Republic)
- 2005 - Trip to Kolonica (VNT Telescope, Slovakia)
- 2004 - Venus Transit (Masaryk University Observatory, Czech Republic)
- 1999 - Solar Eclipse Expedition (Kecskemét, Hungary)
- 2019 - Universe without borders (University Centre Telč, Czech Republic)
- 2018 - 50th Conference on Variable Star Research (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2017 - Stars with a stable magnetic field: from pre-main sequence to compact remnants (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2015 - An ESO/OPTICON/IAU summer school (University Campus Bohunice, Czech Republic)
- 2014 - Living Together: Planets, Host Stars and Binaries (Litomyšl, Czech Republic)
- 2014 - 7 years in Chile (Vila Lanna, V Sadech 1, Praha, Czech Republic)
- 2009 - Swarming of Cosmonauts (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2009 - Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe (Faculty of Science, MU, Czech Republic)
- 2007 - Bezovec Conference (Bezovec, Slovakia)
- 2006 - 26th GA IAU (Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic)
- 2004 - Zdeněk Kopal's Binary Star Legacy (Litomyšl, Czech Republic)