Observatory at Kraví hora
Observatory at Kraví hora, located at the top of a small hill near Brno city centre, was
founded by staff members of the former Astronomical Institute of the Masaryk University in 1948.
The observatory building was finished together with the Brno Observatory and
Planetarium complex. Till year 2020, observatory was operated by the Department of
Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics of the Masaryk University. Major observing programme
was focused to the photoelectric photometry of eclipsing binaries till 90's. Then the old PMT was
replaced with CCD camera and the observing programme was extended to follow modern
scientific objectives. We have completely reconstructed the telescope as well as its mount and
the dome between years 2007-2012.
The facility is equipped by its own weather station that provides actual data on-line. The Web page is being updated every 5 minutes. MUO's dome and telescope can be operated remotely. Complete automation was achieved by the ProjectSoft company in September 2013.
Currently, the observatory is owned by the Brno Observatory and Planetarium.
Geographical coordinates: λ=16°35'0.6" (E), φ=49°12'16.2" (N) Elevation: 305 m (ASL)

Observatory: panoramatic view of a autumn scene (author Tomáš Henych).